This script changes the SSID when there is no connection to the selected Gateway.
Once a minute it checks if there is a gateway reacheable with `batctl gwl -H` and
decides if a change of the SSID is necessary.
*It is a simplified rewrite of that doesn't check
the tx value any more. It is in use in Freifunk Freiburg*
this repository also includes an emergency script which checks for a working batman-adv
gateway connection. If no Gateway connection exists some countermeasures are started:
- 3 min offline - call `wifi`
- 5 min offline - restart fastd
- 7 min offline - restart networking
If no countermeasure works bringing the node online again, the router will be enforced
to reboot after 10 minutes.
*Note: this script may cause a problem for users, that use the node on purposes intended
to work without functioning gateway connectivity, for example as a switch (disable
the cronjob there).*
Gluon versions
This branch of the skript contains the the ssid-changer version for the gluon 2016.1.x
based on openwrt `chaos-calmer`. There is also a pre 2016.1 (barrier braker based)
version in the branch `master`. It will probably not work in 2016.2 yet.
Implement this package in your firmware
Create a file "modules" with the following content in your
<a href=""> site directory:</a>
With this done you can add the package gluon-ssid-changer to your