-- enforce mainline ath10k kmod/firmware over openwrt default ath10k-ct usage -- ath10k-ct is unstable/broken with 11s meshing, works only wave2 chipsets local ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880 = { 'kmod-ath10k', '-kmod-ath10k-ct', '-kmod-ath10k-ct-smallbuffers', 'ath10k-firmware-qca988x', '-ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct', } local ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9887 = { 'kmod-ath10k', '-kmod-ath10k-ct', '-kmod-ath10k-ct-smallbuffers', 'ath10k-firmware-qca9887', '-ath10k-firmware-qca9887-ct', } -- enforce mainline ath10k-smallbuffers kmod, fixes 5GHz-OOM for low memory devices local ATH10K_PACKAGES_SMALLBUFFERS_QCA9880 = { 'kmod-ath10k-smallbuffers', '-kmod-ath10k-ct', '-kmod-ath10k-ct-smallbuffers', 'ath10k-firmware-qca988x', '-ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct', } local ATH10K_PACKAGES_SMALLBUFFERS_QCA9887 = { 'kmod-ath10k-smallbuffers', '-kmod-ath10k-ct', '-kmod-ath10k-ct-smallbuffers', 'ath10k-firmware-qca9887', '-ath10k-firmware-qca9887-ct', } local ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9888 = {} -- ALFA NETWORK device('alfa-network-ap121f', 'alfa-network_ap121f', { factory = false, }) -- AVM device('avm-fritz-box-4020', 'avm_fritz4020', { factory = false, }) device('avm-fritz-wlan-repeater-300e', 'avm_fritz300e', { factory = false, }) device('avm-fritz-wlan-repeater-450e', 'avm_fritz450e', { factory = false, }) -- Buffalo device('buffalo-wzr-hp-ag300h', 'buffalo_wzr-hp-ag300h') device('buffalo-wzr-600dhp', 'buffalo_wzr-600dhp') device('buffalo-wzr-hp-g300nh-rtl8366s', 'buffalo_wzr-hp-g300nh-s', { manifest_aliases = { 'buffalo-wzr-hp-g300nh', -- Upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 }, }) -- devolo device('devolo-wifi-pro-1200e', 'devolo_dvl1200e', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, factory = false, }) device('devolo-wifi-pro-1200i', 'devolo_dvl1200i', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, factory = false, }) device('devolo-wifi-pro-1750c', 'devolo_dvl1750c', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, factory = false, }) device('devolo-wifi-pro-1750e', 'devolo_dvl1750e', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, factory = false, }) device('devolo-wifi-pro-1750i', 'devolo_dvl1750i', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, factory = false, }) device('devolo-wifi-pro-1750x', 'devolo_dvl1750x', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, factory = false, }) -- D-Link device('d-link-dap-1330-a1', 'dlink_dap-1330-a1') device('d-link-dap-1365-a1', 'dlink_dap-1365-a1') device('d-link-dap-2660-a1', 'dlink_dap-2660-a1', { factory_ext = '.img', packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, }) device('d-link-dir-505', 'dlink_dir-505', { factory = false, manifest_aliases = { 'd-link-dir-505-rev-a1', -- Upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 'd-link-dir-505-rev-a2', -- Upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 }, }) device('d-link-dir825b1', 'dlink_dir-825-b1', { factory = false, class = 'tiny', -- Only 6M of usable Firmware space manifest_aliases = { 'd-link-dir-825-rev-b1', -- Upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 }, }) -- Enterasys device('enterasys-ws-ap3705i', 'enterasys_ws-ap3705i', { factory = false, }) -- Extreme Networks device('extreme-networks-ws-ap3805i', 'extreme-networks_ws-ap3805i', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, factory = false, }) -- GL.iNet device('gl.inet-6416', 'glinet_6416', { factory = false, manifest_aliases = { 'gl-inet-6416a-v1', -- Upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 }, }) device('gl.inet-gl-ar150', 'glinet_gl-ar150', { factory = false, }) device('gl.inet-gl-ar300m-lite', 'glinet_gl-ar300m-lite', { factory = false, }) device('gl.inet-gl-ar750', 'glinet_gl-ar750', { factory = false, packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9887, }) device('gl.inet-gl-usb150', 'glinet_gl-usb150', { factory = false, }) -- JOY-IT device('joy-it-jt-or750i', 'joyit_jt-or750i', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9887, factory = false, }) -- LibreRouter -- lacks support for additional radios device('librerouter-v1', 'librerouter_librerouter-v1', { factory = false, }) -- Netgear device('netgear-wndr3700', 'netgear_wndr3700', { factory_ext = '.img', }) device('netgear-wndr3700-v2', 'netgear_wndr3700-v2', { manifest_aliases = { 'netgear-wndr3700v2', -- Upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 }, factory_ext = '.img', }) device('netgear-wndr3800', 'netgear_wndr3800', { factory_ext = '.img', }) device('netgear-wndr3800ch', 'netgear_wndr3800ch', { factory_ext = '.img', manifest_aliases = {'netgear-wndr3800chmychart'}, -- Upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 }) device('netgear-wnr2200-8m', 'netgear_wnr2200-8m', { manifest_aliases = { 'netgear-wnr2200', -- Upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 }, factory_ext = '.img', }) device('netgear-wnr2200-16m', 'netgear_wnr2200-16m', { factory_ext = '.img', }) -- OCEDO device('ocedo-koala', 'ocedo_koala', { factory = false, packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, }) device('ocedo-raccoon', 'ocedo_raccoon', { factory = false, }) -- Onion -- modular/optional "ethernet expansion board" recommended for config mode -- setup via integrated (USB-)tty is possible as well device('onion-omega', 'onion_omega') -- OpenMesh device('openmesh-a40', 'openmesh_a40', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, factory = false, }) device('openmesh-a60', 'openmesh_a60', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, factory = false, }) device('openmesh-mr600-v1', 'openmesh_mr600-v1', { factory = false, -- old name from OpenWrt 19.07.x manifest_aliases = {'openmesh-mr600'}, }) device('openmesh-mr600-v2', 'openmesh_mr600-v2', { factory = false, -- old name from OpenWrt 19.07.x manifest_aliases = {'openmesh-mr600v2'}, }) device('openmesh-mr900-v1', 'openmesh_mr900-v1', { factory = false, -- old name from OpenWrt 19.07.x manifest_aliases = {'openmesh-mr900'}, }) device('openmesh-mr900-v2', 'openmesh_mr900-v2', { factory = false, -- old name from OpenWrt 19.07.x manifest_aliases = {'openmesh-mr900v2'}, }) device('openmesh-mr1750-v1', 'openmesh_mr1750-v1', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, factory = false, -- old name from OpenWrt 19.07.x manifest_aliases = {'openmesh-mr1750'}, }) device('openmesh-mr1750-v2', 'openmesh_mr1750-v2', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, factory = false, -- old name from OpenWrt 19.07.x manifest_aliases = {'openmesh-mr1750v2'}, }) device('openmesh-om2p-v1', 'openmesh_om2p-v1', { factory = false, -- old name from OpenWrt 19.07.x manifest_aliases = {'openmesh-om2p'}, }) device('openmesh-om2p-v2', 'openmesh_om2p-v2', { factory = false, -- old name from OpenWrt 19.07.x; deacticated at the moment because -- the physical ethernet port for this device changed between 19.07 -- and 21.02. And automated update could therefore "break" the -- device until someone physically changed the ethernet cable. -- See https://github.com/freifunk-gluon/gluon/pull/2325#issuecomment-940749284 --manifest_aliases = {'openmesh-om2pv2'}, }) device('openmesh-om2p-v4', 'openmesh_om2p-v4', { factory = false, -- old name from OpenWrt 19.07.x manifest_aliases = {'openmesh-om2pv4'}, }) device('openmesh-om2p-hs-v1', 'openmesh_om2p-hs-v1', { factory = false, -- old name from OpenWrt 19.07.x manifest_aliases = {'openmesh-om2p-hs'}, }) device('openmesh-om2p-hs-v2', 'openmesh_om2p-hs-v2', { factory = false, -- old name from OpenWrt 19.07.x manifest_aliases = {'openmesh-om2p-hsv2'}, }) device('openmesh-om2p-hs-v3', 'openmesh_om2p-hs-v3', { factory = false, -- old name from OpenWrt 19.07.x manifest_aliases = {'openmesh-om2p-hsv3'}, }) device('openmesh-om2p-hs-v4', 'openmesh_om2p-hs-v4', { factory = false, -- old name from OpenWrt 19.07.x manifest_aliases = {'openmesh-om2p-hsv4'}, }) device('openmesh-om2p-lc', 'openmesh_om2p-lc', { factory = false, }) device('openmesh-om5p', 'openmesh_om5p', { factory = false, }) device('openmesh-om5p-ac-v1', 'openmesh_om5p-ac-v1', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, factory = false, -- old name from OpenWrt 19.07.x manifest_aliases = {'openmesh-om5p-ac'}, }) device('openmesh-om5p-ac-v2', 'openmesh_om5p-ac-v2', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, factory = false, -- old name from OpenWrt 19.07.x manifest_aliases = {'openmesh-om5p-acv2'}, }) device('openmesh-om5p-an', 'openmesh_om5p-an', { factory = false, }) -- Plasma Cloud device('plasma-cloud-pa300', 'plasmacloud_pa300') device('plasma-cloud-pa300e', 'plasmacloud_pa300e') -- Siemens device('siemens-ws-ap3610', 'siemens_ws-ap3610', { factory = false, }) -- Teltonika device('teltonika-rut230-v1', 'teltonika_rut230-v1') -- TP-Link device('tp-link-archer-a7-v5', 'tplink_archer-a7-v5', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, }) device('tp-link-archer-c2-v3', 'tplink_archer-c2-v3', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_SMALLBUFFERS_QCA9887, class = 'tiny', broken = true, -- 64M ath9k + ath10k }) device('tp-link-archer-c25-v1', 'tplink_archer-c25-v1', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_SMALLBUFFERS_QCA9887, broken = true, -- OOM with 5GHz enabled in most environments class = 'tiny', -- 64M ath9k + ath10k }) device('tp-link-archer-c5-v1', 'tplink_archer-c5-v1', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, }) device('tp-link-archer-c58-v1', 'tplink_archer-c58-v1', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9888, broken = true, -- OOM with 5GHz enabled in most environments class = 'tiny', -- 64M ath9k + ath10k }) device('tp-link-archer-c6-v2-eu-ru-jp', 'tplink_archer-c6-v2', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9888, manifest_aliases = { 'tp-link-archer-c6-v2', -- Upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 }, }) device('tp-link-archer-c60-v1', 'tplink_archer-c60-v1', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9888, broken = true, -- OOM with 5GHz enabled in most environments class = 'tiny', -- 64M ath9k + ath10k }) device('tp-link-archer-c7-v2', 'tplink_archer-c7-v2', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, }) device('tp-link-archer-c7-v4', 'tplink_archer-c7-v4', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, }) device('tp-link-archer-c7-v5', 'tplink_archer-c7-v5', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, }) device('tp-link-archer-c59-v1', 'tplink_archer-c59-v1', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9888, }) device('tp-link-archer-d50-v1', 'tplink_archer-d50-v1', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_SMALLBUFFERS_QCA9880, factory = false, broken = true, -- 64M ath9k + ath10k & power LED not working }) device('tp-link-cpe210-v1', 'tplink_cpe210-v1', { manifest_aliases = { 'tp-link-cpe210-v1.0', -- Upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 'tp-link-cpe210-v1.1', -- Upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 }, }) device('tp-link-cpe210-v2', 'tplink_cpe210-v2', { manifest_aliases = { 'tp-link-cpe210-v2.0', -- Upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 }, }) device('tp-link-cpe210-v3', 'tplink_cpe210-v3', { manifest_aliases = { 'tp-link-cpe210-v3.0', -- Upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 'tp-link-cpe210-v3.1', -- Upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 'tp-link-cpe210-v3.20', -- Upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 }, }) device('tp-link-cpe220-v3', 'tplink_cpe220-v3') device('tp-link-cpe510-v1', 'tplink_cpe510-v1', { manifest_aliases = { 'tp-link-cpe510-v1.0', -- upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 'tp-link-cpe510-v1.1', -- upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 }, }) device('tp-link-cpe510-v2', 'tplink_cpe510-v2') device('tp-link-cpe510-v3', 'tplink_cpe510-v3') device('tp-link-cpe710-v1', 'tplink_cpe710-v1') device('tp-link-eap225-outdoor-v1', 'tplink_eap225-outdoor-v1', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9888, }) device('tp-link-tl-wdr3500-v1', 'tplink_tl-wdr3500-v1') device('tp-link-tl-wdr3600-v1', 'tplink_tl-wdr3600-v1') device('tp-link-tl-wdr4300-v1', 'tplink_tl-wdr4300-v1') device('tp-link-tl-wr810n-v1', 'tplink_tl-wr810n-v1') device('tp-link-tl-wr842n-v3', 'tplink_tl-wr842n-v3', { manifest_aliases = { 'tp-link-tl-wr842n-nd-v3', -- upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 }, }) device('tp-link-tl-wr902ac-v1', 'tplink_tl-wr902ac-v1', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_SMALLBUFFERS_QCA9887, broken = true, -- OOM with 5GHz enabled in most environments class = 'tiny', -- 64M ath9k + ath10k }) device('tp-link-tl-wr1043nd-v2', 'tplink_tl-wr1043nd-v2', { manifest_aliases = { 'tp-link-tl-wr1043n-nd-v2', -- upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 }, }) device('tp-link-tl-wr1043nd-v3', 'tplink_tl-wr1043nd-v3', { manifest_aliases = { 'tp-link-tl-wr1043n-nd-v3', -- upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 }, }) device('tp-link-tl-wr1043nd-v4', 'tplink_tl-wr1043nd-v4', { manifest_aliases = { 'tp-link-tl-wr1043n-nd-v4', -- upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 }, }) device('tp-link-tl-wr1043n-v5', 'tplink_tl-wr1043n-v5') device('tp-link-wbs210-v1', 'tplink_wbs210-v1', { manifest_aliases = { 'tp-link-wbs210-v1.20', -- upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 }, }) device('tp-link-wbs210-v2', 'tplink_wbs210-v2') device('tp-link-wbs510-v1', 'tplink_wbs510-v1', { manifest_aliases = { 'tp-link-wbs510-v1.20', -- upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 }, }) -- Ubiquiti device('ubiquiti-nanostation-loco-m-xw', 'ubnt_nanostation-loco-m-xw', { manifest_aliases = { 'ubiquiti-loco-m-xw', -- upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 'ubiquiti-nanostation-loco-m2-xw', -- upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 'ubiquiti-nanostation-loco-m5-xw', -- upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 }, }) device('ubiquiti-nanostation-m-xw', 'ubnt_nanostation-m-xw', { manifest_aliases = { 'ubiquiti-nanostation-m2-xw', -- upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 'ubiquiti-nanostation-m5-xw', -- upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 }, }) device('ubiquiti-unifi-ac-lite', 'ubnt_unifiac-lite', { factory = false, packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, }) device('ubiquiti-unifi-ac-lr', 'ubnt_unifiac-lr', { factory = false, packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, }) device('ubiquiti-unifi-ac-mesh', 'ubnt_unifiac-mesh', { factory = false, packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, }) device('ubiquiti-unifi-ac-mesh-pro', 'ubnt_unifiac-mesh-pro', { factory = false, packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, }) device('ubiquiti-unifi-ac-pro', 'ubnt_unifiac-pro', { factory = false, packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, }) device('ubiquiti-unifi-ap', 'ubnt_unifi-ap', { aliases = { 'ubiquiti-unifi-ap-lr', }, manifest_aliases = { 'ubiquiti-unifi', }, }) device('ubiquiti-nanobeam-ac-gen1-xc', 'ubnt_nanobeam-ac-xc', { packages = ATH10K_PACKAGES_QCA9880, }) device('ubiquiti-nanobeam-m5-xw', 'ubnt_nanobeam-m5-xw') device('ubiquiti-unifi-ap-outdoor+', 'ubnt_unifi-ap-outdoor-plus', { manifest_aliases = { 'ubiquiti-unifiap-outdoor+', -- upgrade from OpenWrt 19.07 }, }) device('ubiquiti-unifi-ap-pro', 'ubnt_unifi-ap-pro')