name: Bug report
about: Report a bug in a recent version of Gluon
label: bug


Please carefully fill out the questionnaire below to help improve the
timely triaging of issues. Walk through the questions below and use
them as an inspiration for what information you can provide.

Make use of codeblocks (three backticks before and after) where
appropriate (configuration excerpts, log output, etc.). Example:

your code goes here

You can use the "Preview" tab to check how your issue is going to look
before you actually send it in.

Thank you for taking the time to report a bug with the Gluon project.


### Bug report

**What is the problem?**
- What is not working as expected?
- How is it misbehaving?
- When did the problem first start showing up?
- What were you doing when you first noticed the problem?
- On which devices (vendor, model and revision) is it misbehaving?
- Does the issue appear on multiple devices or targets?

**What is the expected behaviour?**
- How do you think it should work instead?
- Did it work like that before?

**Gluon Version:**
Please provide a usable Git reference before applying custom patches:

By using a Git reference:
    $ git describe --always

Or the URL to the relevant Gluon commit
    https://github.com/freifunk-gluon/gluon/commit/<commit hash here>

**Site Configuration:**
Please provide the URL to your site configuration repository and the
explicit commit used to build the firmware experiencing the problem.

Additionally excerpts of problem-related configuration parts are 
often helpful.

**Custom patches:**
Be upfront about any custom patches you have applied to your Gluon build, as they might
be part of your problem.