diff --git a/package/gluon-web/luasrc/usr/lib/lua/gluon/web/dispatcher.lua b/package/gluon-web/luasrc/usr/lib/lua/gluon/web/dispatcher.lua
index 336b2832eecd370bec87d83336eccc9a9f798311..d2a6b50061f6a166138df84b9b8d53aa1967c18d 100644
--- a/package/gluon-web/luasrc/usr/lib/lua/gluon/web/dispatcher.lua
+++ b/package/gluon-web/luasrc/usr/lib/lua/gluon/web/dispatcher.lua
@@ -184,9 +184,15 @@ local function dispatch(config, http, request)
-	http:parse_input(node.filehandler)
+	local ok, err = pcall(http.parse_input, http, node.filehandler)
+	if not ok then
+		http:status(400, "Bad request")
+		http:prepare_content("text/plain")
+		http:write(err .. "\r\n")
+		return
+	end
-	local ok, err = pcall(node.target)
+	ok, err = pcall(node.target)
 	if not ok then
 		http:status(500, "Internal Server Error")
 		renderer.render_layout("error/500", {
diff --git a/package/gluon-web/luasrc/usr/lib/lua/gluon/web/http/protocol.lua b/package/gluon-web/luasrc/usr/lib/lua/gluon/web/http/protocol.lua
index 8d070d951d3cd3d48c4a5c38fe1c05a5027227a8..62b60bdcf3ca476a7d73ea8080a52f53a310d6da 100644
--- a/package/gluon-web/luasrc/usr/lib/lua/gluon/web/http/protocol.lua
+++ b/package/gluon-web/luasrc/usr/lib/lua/gluon/web/http/protocol.lua
@@ -108,16 +108,11 @@ end
 --  o String value containing a chunk of the file data
 --  o Boolean which indicates whether the current chunk is the last one (eof)
 local function mimedecode_message_body(src, msg, filecb)
-	if msg and msg.env.CONTENT_TYPE then
-		msg.mime_boundary = msg.env.CONTENT_TYPE:match("^multipart/form%-data; boundary=(.+)$")
-	end
-	if not msg.mime_boundary then
-		return nil, "Invalid Content-Type found"
+	local mime_boundary = (msg.env.CONTENT_TYPE or ''):match("^multipart/form%-data; boundary=(.+)$")
+	if not mime_boundary then
+		error("Invalid Content-Type found")
 	local tlen   = 0
 	local inhdr  = false
 	local field  = nil
@@ -188,10 +183,10 @@ local function mimedecode_message_body(src, msg, filecb)
 			local spos, epos, found
-				spos, epos = data:find("\r\n--" .. msg.mime_boundary .. "\r\n", 1, true)
+				spos, epos = data:find("\r\n--" .. mime_boundary .. "\r\n", 1, true)
 				if not spos then
-					spos, epos = data:find("\r\n--" .. msg.mime_boundary .. "--\r\n", 1, true)
+					spos, epos = data:find("\r\n--" .. mime_boundary .. "--\r\n", 1, true)
@@ -250,20 +245,18 @@ local function mimedecode_message_body(src, msg, filecb)
 		return true
-	return pump(src, snk)
+	assert(pump(src, snk))
 -- This function will examine the Content-Type within the given message object
 -- to select the appropriate content decoder.
 -- Currently only the multipart/form-data mime type is supported.
 function M.parse_message_body(src, msg, filecb)
-	if not (msg.env.REQUEST_METHOD == "POST" and msg.env.CONTENT_TYPE) then
+	if msg.env.REQUEST_METHOD ~= "POST" then
-	if msg.env.CONTENT_TYPE:match("^multipart/form%-data") then
-		return mimedecode_message_body(src, msg, filecb)
-	end
+	mimedecode_message_body(src, msg, filecb)
 return M