diff --git a/docs/features/autoupdater.rst b/docs/features/autoupdater.rst
index c7257284304a8287a222adcfbad37f78e02e0bb3..02751d2816df87fb9b18330acd3adba20da0e7f7 100644
--- a/docs/features/autoupdater.rst
+++ b/docs/features/autoupdater.rst
@@ -11,7 +11,15 @@ during development), but it can be enabled by setting the variable GLUON_BRANCH
 to override the default branch set in the set in the site configuration.
 A manifest file for the updater can be generated with `make manifest`. A signing script (using
-ecdsautils) can by found in the `contrib` directory.
+ecdsautils) can by found in the `contrib` directory. When creating the manifest, ``GLUON_PRIORITY`` can
+be set on the command line, or it can be taken from the ``site.mk``.
+The priority defines the maximum number of days that may pass between releasing an update and installation
+of the images. The update probability with start at 0 after the release time mentioned in the manifest
+and then slowly rise to 1 after the number of days given by the priority has passed. (Note: The priority
+doesn't have an effect as the moment, this is yet to be implemented)
+The priority may be an integer or a decimal fraction.
 A fully automated nightly build could use the following commands:
@@ -25,7 +33,7 @@ A fully automated nightly build could use the following commands:
     make manifest GLUON_BRANCH=experimental
     contrib/sign.sh $SECRETKEY images/sysupgrade/experimental.manifest
     cp -r images /where/to/put/this/experimental
-    mv /where/to/put/this/experimental/experimental.manifest /where/to/put/this/experimental/manifest
+    ln -s experimental.manifest /where/to/put/this/experimental/manifest
@@ -47,8 +55,8 @@ We suggest to have following directory tree accessible via http:
 The last level is generated by the Gluon build process. Do not forget
-to rename the ``<branch>.manifest`` into ``manifest`` inside of the
-sysupgrade directories.
+to create symlinks from ``manifest`` to ``<branch>.manifest`` in the
+sysupgrade directories to allow upgrades from Gluon versions before 2014.3.
 The server should be available via IPv6.
@@ -64,7 +72,7 @@ These commands can be used on a node.
-   # Force Update Check
+   # Force update check, even when the updater is disabled
    autoupdater -f
diff --git a/docs/user/site.rst b/docs/user/site.rst
index 2d311c261c90bad596d77020c92ffdb26f2dfa6a..4139fde63d9d404b62f9e3b7021e22041199178f 100644
--- a/docs/user/site.rst
+++ b/docs/user/site.rst
@@ -168,6 +168,10 @@ GLUON_SITE_PACKAGES
     The current release version Gluon should use.
+    The default priority for the generated manifests (see the autoupdater documentation
+    for more information).