diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 8cf8e51ba47b632fe79eb954d7b54d394b1a30ce..0da5004f1a2f374ab1d46f732a95e0a1ca04891d 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -59,22 +59,18 @@ include $(GLUONDIR)/include/profiles.mk
 CheckExternal := test -d $(GLUON_OPENWRTDIR) || (echo 'You don'"'"'t seem to have obtained the external repositories needed by Gluon; please call `make update` first!'; false)
-all: FORCE
-	@$(CheckExternal)
+gluon-tools: FORCE
 	+@$(SUBMAKE) -C $(TOPDIR) prepare-tmpinfo OPENWRT_BUILD=0
 	+@$(GLUONMAKE) gluon-tools GLUON_TOOLS=0
+all: gluon-tools
 	+@$(GLUONMAKE) prepare
 	+@$(GLUONMAKE) images
-download prepare images: FORCE
-	@$(CheckExternal)
-	+@$(SUBMAKE) -C $(TOPDIR) prepare-tmpinfo OPENWRT_BUILD=0
-	+@$(GLUONMAKE) gluon-tools GLUON_TOOLS=0
+download prepare images: gluon-tools
 	+@$(GLUONMAKE) $@
-manifest: FORCE
-	@$(CheckExternal)
-	+@$(GLUONMAKE) gluon-tools GLUON_TOOLS=0
+manifest: gluon-tools
 	[ -n "$(GLUON_BRANCH)" ] || (echo 'Please set GLUON_BRANCH to create a manifest.'; false)
 	+@$(GLUONMAKE) $@