diff --git a/docs/user/site.rst b/docs/user/site.rst
index c5b845aca9b61d859ce3b3ec290096e5a8622136..cd139623b82cb2e6b0963015035c847892ba9489 100644
--- a/docs/user/site.rst
+++ b/docs/user/site.rst
@@ -387,9 +387,6 @@ config_mode \: optional
     and *gluon-config-mode:altitude-help* strings must be provided in the site i18n
     data as well.
-    The *owner.optional* option can be set to *false* to make the contact
-    information field mandatory.
     The remote login page only shows SSH key configuration by default. A
     password form can be displayed by setting *remote_login.show_password_form*
     to true; in this case, *remote_login.min_password_length* defines the
@@ -403,9 +400,6 @@ config_mode \: optional
           geo_location = {
             show_altitude = true,
-          owner = {
-            optional = false,
-          },
           remote_login = {
             show_password_form = true,
             min_password_length = 10,
diff --git a/package/gluon-config-mode-contact-info/check_site.lua b/package/gluon-config-mode-contact-info/check_site.lua
index 7dd39e38db504ef6c7ad257594f02522b326671d..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 100644
--- a/package/gluon-config-mode-contact-info/check_site.lua
+++ b/package/gluon-config-mode-contact-info/check_site.lua
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-need_boolean(in_site({'config_mode', 'owner', 'optional'}), false)
diff --git a/package/gluon-config-mode-contact-info/i18n/de.po b/package/gluon-config-mode-contact-info/i18n/de.po
index 35f0ee9551322f6d14c54cc1714325a3c28dc869..651fdde4433d50294bdca2218996e7ab008228f5 100644
--- a/package/gluon-config-mode-contact-info/i18n/de.po
+++ b/package/gluon-config-mode-contact-info/i18n/de.po
@@ -16,12 +16,18 @@ msgstr "Kontakt"
 msgid ""
 "Please provide your contact information here to allow others to contact "
 "you. Note that this information will be visible <em>publicly</em> on "
-"the internet together with your node's coordinates."
+"the internet together with your node's coordinates. This means it can "
+"be downloaded and processed by anyone. This information is "
+"not required to operate a node. If you chose to enter data, it will be "
+"stored on this node and can be deleted by yourself at any time."
 msgstr ""
 "Bitte hinterlege hier einen Hinweis, um anderen zu ermöglichen, "
 "Kontakt mit dir aufzunehmen. Beachte, dass dieser Hinweis auch "
 "<em>öffentlich</em> im Internet, zusammen mit den Koordinaten "
-"deines Knotens, einsehbar sein wird."
+"deines Knotens, einsehbar sein wird. Das bedeutet, dass diese Informationen "
+"von jedem heruntergeladen und verarbeitet werden können. Für den Betrieb sind diese "
+"Informationen nicht erforderlich. Eine Speicherung erfolgt auf diesem Knoten. "
+"Die Daten können durch dich in diesem Menü eigenständig gelöscht werden."
 msgid "e.g. E-mail or phone number"
 msgstr "z.B. E-Mail oder Telefonnummer"
diff --git a/package/gluon-config-mode-contact-info/i18n/fr.po b/package/gluon-config-mode-contact-info/i18n/fr.po
index 624b18640f4dedaecf933f247606f88b217ed978..f20e06cba0438978615f1275b43996c7c17ba598 100644
--- a/package/gluon-config-mode-contact-info/i18n/fr.po
+++ b/package/gluon-config-mode-contact-info/i18n/fr.po
@@ -16,11 +16,18 @@ msgstr "Informations de Contact"
 msgid ""
 "Please provide your contact information here to allow others to contact "
 "you. Note that this information will be visible <em>publicly</em> on "
-"the internet together with your node's coordinates."
+"the internet together with your node's coordinates. This means it can "
+"be downloaded and processed by anyone. This information is "
+"not required to operate a node. If you chose to enter data, it will be "
+"stored on this node and can be deleted by yourself at any time."
 msgstr ""
-"S'il vous plaît entrez ici des informations <em>publiques</em> pour "
-"permettre aux autres de vous contacter. "
-"Ces informations seront affichées en ligne, avec les coordonnées du nœud."
+"Entrez vos coordonnées ici si vous souhaitez permettre à d'autres "
+"personnes de communiquer avec vous. Ces informations seront affichées "
+"<em>en ligne</em> avec les coordonnées du nœud. Il peut être téléchargé "
+"et traité par tous. Il n'est pas obligatoire "
+"de fournir ces informations pour pouvoir opérer un nœud. Si vous avez "
+"choisi d'entrer des données, elles seront stockées sur ce nœud et vous "
+"pourrez les effacer par vous-même à tout moment."
 msgid "e.g. E-mail or phone number"
 msgstr "Ex : E-mail ou numéro de téléphone"
diff --git a/package/gluon-config-mode-contact-info/i18n/gluon-config-mode-contact-info.pot b/package/gluon-config-mode-contact-info/i18n/gluon-config-mode-contact-info.pot
index 9dcaf9ecd8d7f49d886cef8601a4cccb9a146bea..913f38a5d821fa244dd0d5892f9a1b30246e48e3 100644
--- a/package/gluon-config-mode-contact-info/i18n/gluon-config-mode-contact-info.pot
+++ b/package/gluon-config-mode-contact-info/i18n/gluon-config-mode-contact-info.pot
@@ -7,7 +7,10 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid ""
 "Please provide your contact information here to allow others to contact "
 "you. Note that this information will be visible <em>publicly</em> on "
-"the internet together with your node's coordinates."
+"the internet together with your node's coordinates. This means it can be "
+"downloaded and processed by anyone. This information is "
+"not required to operate a node. If you chose to enter data, it will be "
+"stored on this node and can be deleted by yourself at any time."
 msgstr ""
 msgid "e.g. E-mail or phone number"
diff --git a/package/gluon-config-mode-contact-info/luasrc/lib/gluon/config-mode/wizard/0500-contact-info.lua b/package/gluon-config-mode-contact-info/luasrc/lib/gluon/config-mode/wizard/0500-contact-info.lua
index 3afff6b4bf3c7dd495d2dfc9aaab818307f10440..3b44773e8033da6d8715fac5eba046685e73a687 100644
--- a/package/gluon-config-mode-contact-info/luasrc/lib/gluon/config-mode/wizard/0500-contact-info.lua
+++ b/package/gluon-config-mode-contact-info/luasrc/lib/gluon/config-mode/wizard/0500-contact-info.lua
@@ -6,17 +6,17 @@ return function(form, uci)
 	local owner = uci:get_first("gluon-node-info", "owner")
 	local s = form:section(Section, nil, pkg_i18n.translate(
-		'Please provide your contact information here to '
-		.. 'allow others to contact you. Note that '
-		.. 'this information will be visible <em>publicly</em> '
-		.. 'on the internet together with your node\'s coordinates.'
+		'Please provide your contact information here to allow others to contact '
+		.. 'you. Note that this information will be visible <em>publicly</em> on '
+		.. 'the internet together with your node\'s coordinates. This means it can '
+		.. 'be downloaded and processed by anyone. This information is '
+		.. 'not required to operate a node. If you chose to enter data, it will be '
+		.. 'stored on this node and can be deleted by yourself at any time.'
 	local o = s:option(Value, "contact", pkg_i18n.translate("Contact info"), pkg_i18n.translate("e.g. E-mail or phone number"))
 	o.default = uci:get("gluon-node-info", owner, "contact")
-	o.optional = site.config_mode.owner.optional(true)
-	-- without a minimal length, an empty string will be accepted even with "optional = false"
-	o.datatype = "minlength(1)"
+	o.optional = true
 	function o:write(data)
 		uci:set("gluon-node-info", owner, "contact", data)