#!/bin/sh # At first some Definitions: ONLINE_SSID='Freifunk' OFFLINE_PREFIX='FF_OFFLINE_' # Use something short to leave space for the nodename #Is there an active Gateway GATEWAY_TQ=`batctl gwl | grep "^=>" | cut -d" " -f3 | tr -d "()"` if [ $GATEWAY_TQ -gt 50 ]; then echo "Gateway TQ is $GATEWAY_TQ node is online" for RADIO in $(iw dev | grep client | cut -d" " -f2); do CURRENT_SSID=`iw dev $RADIO info | grep ssid | cut -d" " -f2` # Is there a better way to fetch the SSID wich is active? if [ $CURRENT_SSID == $ONLINE_SSID ] then echo "SSID $CURRENT_SSID is correct, noting to do" else echo "SSID is $CURRENT_SSID, change to $ONLINE_SSID" NUM=`echo $RADIO | tail -c 2` `uci set wireless.client_radio$NUM.ssid=$ONLINE_SSID` wifi fi done else echo "Gateway TQ is $GATEWAY_TQ node is considered offline" NODENAME=`uname -n` if [ ${#NODENAME} > 30-${#OFFLINE_PREFIX} ] ; then #32 would be possible as well HALF=$(( (28 - ${#OFFLINE_PREFIX} ) / 2 )) SKIP=$(( ${#NODENAME} - $HALF )) OFFLINE_SSID=$OFFLINE_PREFIX${NODENAME:0:$HALF}...${NODENAME:$SKIP:${#NODENAME}} # use the first and last part of the nodename for nodes with long name else OFFLINE_SSID=`$OFFLINE_PREFIX$NODENAME` fi for RADIO in $(iw dev | grep client | cut -d" " -f2); do CURRENT_SSID=`iw dev $RADIO info | grep ssid | cut -d" " -f2` if [ $CURRENT_SSID == $OFFLINE_SSID ] then echo "SSID $CURRENT_SSID is correct, noting to do" else echo "SSID is $CURRENT_SSID, change to $OFFLINE_SSID" NUM=`echo $RADIO | tail -c 2` `uci set wireless.client_radio$NUM.ssid="$OFFLINE_SSID"` wifi fi done fi