#!/bin/sh # At first some Definitions: ONLINE_SSID='Freifunk' OFFLINE_PREFIX='FF_OFFLINE_' # Use something short to leave space for the nodename UPPER_LIMIT='55' #Above this limit the online SSID will be used LOWER_LIMIT='45' #Below this limit the offline SSID will be used # In-between these two values the SSID will never be changed to preven it from toggeling every Minute. # Generate an Offline SSID with the first and last Part of the nodename to allow owner to recognise wich node is down NODENAME=`uname -n` if [ ${#NODENAME} -gt $((30 - ${#OFFLINE_PREFIX})) ] ; then #32 would be possible as well HALF=$(( (28 - ${#OFFLINE_PREFIX} ) / 2 )) #calculate the length of the first part of the node identifier in the offline-ssid SKIP=$(( ${#NODENAME} - $HALF )) #jump to this charakter for the last part of the name OFFLINE_SSID=$OFFLINE_PREFIX${NODENAME:0:$HALF}...${NODENAME:$SKIP:${#NODENAME}} # use the first and last part of the nodename for nodes with long name else OFFLINE_SSID="$OFFLINE_PREFIX$NODENAME" #greate we are able to use the full nodename in the offline ssid fi #Is there an active Gateway? GATEWAY_TQ=`batctl gwl | grep "^=>" | awk -F'[()]' '{print $2}'| tr -d " "` #Grep the Connection Quality of the Gateway which is currently used if [ $GATEWAY_TQ -gt $UPPER_LIMIT ]; then echo "Gateway TQ is $GATEWAY_TQ node is online" for HOSTAPD in $(ls /var/run/hostapd-phy*); do #Check status for all physical devices CURRENT_SSID=`grep "^ssid=$ONLINE_SSID" $HOSTAPD | cut -d"=" -f2` if [ $CURRENT_SSID == $ONLINE_SSID ] then echo "SSID $CURRENT_SSID is correct, noting to do" HUP_NEEDED=0 break fi CURRENT_SSID=`grep "^ssid=$OFFLINE_SSID" $HOSTAPD | cut -d"=" -f2` if [ $CURRENT_SSID == $OFFLINE_SSID ] then logger -s -t "gluon-offline-ssid" -p 5 "TQ is $GATEWAY_TQ, SSID is $CURRENT_SSID, change to $ONLINE_SSID" #Write Info to Syslog sed -i s/^ssid=$CURRENT_SSID/ssid=$ONLINE_SSID/ $HOSTAPD HUP_NEEDED=1 # HUP here would be to early for dualband devices else echo "There is something wrong, did not find SSID $ONLINE_SSID or $OFFLINE_SSID" fi done fi if [ $GATEWAY_TQ -lt $LOWER_LIMIT ]; then echo "Gateway TQ is $GATEWAY_TQ node is considered offline" for HOSTAPD in $(ls /var/run/hostapd-phy*); do #Check status for all physical devices CURRENT_SSID=`grep "^ssid=$OFFLINE_SSID" $HOSTAPD | cut -d"=" -f2` if [ $CURRENT_SSID == $OFFLINE_SSID ] then echo "SSID $CURRENT_SSID is correct, noting to do" HUP_NEEDED=0 break fi CURRENT_SSID=`grep "^ssid=$ONLINE_SSID" $HOSTAPD | cut -d"=" -f2` if [ $CURRENT_SSID == $ONLINE_SSID ] then logger -s -t "gluon-offline-ssid" -p 5 "TQ is $GATEWAY_TQ, SSID is $CURRENT_SSID, change to $OFFLINE_SSID" #Write Info to Syslog sed -i s/^ssid=$ONLINE_SSID/ssid=$OFFLINE_SSID/ $HOSTAPD HUP_NEEDED=1 # HUP here would be to early for dualband devices else echo "There is something wrong, did not find SSID $ONLINE_SSID or $OFFLINE_SSID" fi done fi if [ $GATEWAY_TQ -ge $LOWER_LIMIT -a $GATEWAY_TQ -le $UPPER_LIMIT ]; #This is just get a clean run if we are in-between the grace periode then echo "TQ is $GATEWAY_TQ, do nothing" HUP_NEEDED=0 fi if [ $HUP_NEEDED == 1 ]; then killall -HUP hostapd # Send HUP to all hostapd um die neue SSID zu laden HUP_NEEDED=0 echo "HUP!" fi