# Gluon-Packages Additional Gluon-Packages for Freifunk-Stuttgart (Development Versions only). The official Packages can be found on "https://github.com/freifunk-stuttgart" ffs-lowmem-patches: Adopted patch from Freifunk Rhein-Neckar (FFRN) to reduce memory consumption on nodes with less than 40 MB RAM by disabling "haveged" in non-config mode. ffs-set-segment: Nodes will get information on assigned segment number (subnet) by special DNS-Request based on node-id and first part of public fastd key to avoid trial an error of fastd-connection process. Result of DNS-Request is dummy IPv6 with segment number in last field. Originally all 90 peer entries (10 Gateways x 9 Segments) must be tried out until match is found, resulting in very long setup/connecting time. gluon-config-mode-zip: Additional field for zip code on location page in config mode. Information is set to nodeinfo.location and will be available by respondd and/or alfred.